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Zondag in het zuiden Toneelgroep Maastricht

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It was Sunday in the South

December 19, 1993. It's a Sunday in the south, nothing’s wrong. What started as a level of high water of the Meuse River, grew into a flood within a few days. It totally overwhelmed neighboring villages, but at the same time brought their residents closer than ever.

During the performances of the musical ‘It was Sunday in the South’ by Theatre company Maastricht and theatre De Maaspoort Venlo last summer, Ons Limburgs Museum talked to visitors about their memories of the floods. You will find them here.

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Ger van den Hombergh portret
Birgit Schade

More Meuse?

Can't get enough of this Limburg lifeline? Previously, we searched the province with Limburgers for answers to questions such as ‘Why can't we drink the water from the Meuse?’ and ‘Where does Limburgers' love for the Meuse come from?’ Discover topics like these and more at Ons Limburgs Museum.

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