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Identity is a valuable thing, especially in a world that focusses on dividing everything. The separation of society through politics, classes through income, ethnicities through borders, individuals through hyper individualism.
"Who am I?".
The inner voice silently whispers in your left ear.
Meanwhile the trendy trigger word "community" gets thrown around in your right ear like a lifeless body, devoid of the meaning it once held.
Who is the individual and what is this "community" thing we are talking about? The individual is the one who fits into a certain aesthetic of a group and a community is a group of people wearing a shirt from the same brand? Is the individual bound to just one group? What If I'm more groups? What if I'm more countries? Can I be part of all of them or only part of the one that looks the most like me? Do they even want me there?
After asking one question, more follow as a respons. An answer is nothing more than a door towards deeper understanding and understanding is the best foundation when you want to build something well.
You yourself are the most important building in the city called your life. If you want to know who you are, it’s best to start by disassembling yourself, so you can learn how to put yourself back together.
That is 3BLUT, an exploration of the bricks that make up a person.
"Understanding is the best foundation when you want to build something well"
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